Friday, May 29, 2015

Easter Bunny

This was a pretty interesting project to work on. We had to pick 2 or more different animals and combine them together to make 1 animal. I chose to make a half bunny/half turtle for my project. I made this animal have the head and tail of a bunny with the shell of a turtle. The easiest part of this project was surprising making the shell. The most difficult part of this was keeping the feet on because for some reason they kept falling off, it was also kind of hard working on the face. My favorite part was painting the clay because I love using paint, but it was a bit annoying painting the small areas. My least favorite part about this project was how dirty the clay made my hands. Overall I'm happy with how my project turned out. I would do something like this again.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Tiger R.O.A.R

For this project we were able to work with a partner. Sara and I worked together on creating this poster for our high school. I painted the background on this poster, and Sara designed it and drew the letters for it. I liked this project because I enjoy working with paint. A reason I didn't like this project is because it was time consuming and messy. The easy part about this project was designing the background and tracing. The hard part about this project was getting the right colors to paint with. My favorite part about this poster is how the drawing turned out. My least favorite part about this poster is the letters don't stand out enough. Overall I had fun with this project.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Pastel landscape

For this project we had to go online and search for a landscape we wanted to recreate with pastel. I chose this particular landscape because I thought the sky looked amazing and a good choice of colors. It also had an interesting mood in the picture. I also chose this landscape because I really liked drawing the tree. It was simple but fun to add and the grass that went along with it. At first I found it a little bit difficult to blend the skies into looking less boxy but after some work it blended out nicely. My favorite part about this whole drawing is where the bright yellow section bursts into a pink and purple color. My least favorite thing about this drawing is that the grass is a black color instead of a more bright color. I really enjoyed drawing this landscape and i'm proud at how it turned out. It took a total of 2 days to complete. I would like to do a project like this again in the future.